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Alimony or Spousal Support

Divorce is hard enough emotionally without even taking into consideration the financial struggle some will find themselves in as a result of trying to create two households. Often one spouse finds himself or herself struggling to pay the bills and find financial independence. Once separated, North Carolina allows either spouse to seek post separation support (money) from the other spouse. North Carolina General Statute § 50-16.2A is the controlling statute which allows a Court to order support based upon the financial needs of the party.
How Will I Pay My Bills?
Whether a Court awards post separation support and how much is awarded is determined by the Court based upon the facts and circumstances unique to each marriage. Marital misconduct on the part of either spouse can also have a direct impact upon the Court’s decision. Having an experienced attorney to help navigate this difficult process can have lasting financial implications.
Contact Cristina Quantock for more information if you believe you will be required to pay post separation support or feel you are eligible to receive it.